22 Shenanigans
Our Mission
Our organization is committed to decreasing the number of veterans who choose to end their lives daily. Often veterans feel a loss of purpose after leaving the military. We aim to provide a healthy way of regaining their sense of purpose by organizing community outreach programs locally and trips to less fortunate parts of the world. Deployment Therapy™ is our unique concept to treat PTSD by recreating the Purpose, Camaraderie and Adventure that Veterans lose after leaving the service. We do this through our outdoor recreation events with “22 Outdoors”, our Nicaragua Mission Adventure trip “Fortunate Sons” and our ministry “Those Who Serve.”
Vision & Values
Purpose-Sense of Mission: Purpose is accomplished through partnership with the indigenous community to identify current needs in the area. Projects include installation of concrete floors, food distribution and partnering with the indigenous village library to provide art classes, sports and English classes.
Adventure: The military adage “work hard; play hard” is added to our mission in Nicaragua. In addition to hard work, veterans are provided with opportunities to swim, hike, surf, and participate in saltwater fishing trips, horseback riding, and jungle canopy zip-line tours.
Kelly Lynn
About Our Founder
22 Shenanigans Inc. Was founded in 2016 by CPT Kelly Lynn, after losing his brother CPT William Kendall Lynn to PTSD and suicide. CPT Kelly Lynn was then on a mission to keep other families from feeling the pain that this loss left his family’s life.
For years, 22 Shenanigans, Inc. has been hosting all expenses paid trips and events for veterans and their families. This includes outdoor events such as hunting and fishing, as well as sporting events and other SHENANIGANS!
News & Updates
Veteran Teams Deployed in 2024-recap
In 2024 we launched a full year of veteran teams through our Fortunate Sons program. With some hard work, some ingenuity and a helping hand from God, 22 Shenanigans has finally realized its overall mission of Deployment Therapy through our FORTUNATE SONS program. In...
22 Shenanigans is a 501(c3) founded and operated by disabled veterans. EIN 81-2937807
A veteran is waiting for your support today. Help them to experience PURPOSE-CAMARDERIE-ADVENTURE!!!